Sunday, March 1, 2020

Grace still sick, so More on Walker

Grace has still been super sick.  Walker said one night before bed...”I hope Grace wakes up feeling like sunshine”. He misses playing with her and is pretty attentive.  He brings stuff from school for her and goes to her first thing.  We have been in and out of the doctors office to no avail.  Post Viral Syndrome is what the Dr Says but it has been so hard.  We have still been trying to get Walker out so he and so went skiing with Lori and then walker and I had a picnic and did some snowshoeing.  Also...dogs are cool...Ralph takes good care of Grace and Bailey cries when she drops Walker off at school.  They are such a big part of our family.  We found out Stella has hypothyroid and she is finally getting back to her old ornery self instead of sleeping all the time. 

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