Wednesday, February 27, 2019


It’s starting to warm up slightly and we are getting a little spring fever.  Walker spent most of Sunday outside.  Grace was diagnosed wit Strep on Monday so we have been in a lot.  She missed her final cooking class but Walker went and made tacos.  He asked at the end if he could “make one for his mom”.  What a good boy.  It’s the kids Olympics week at school so I spent hours making “hokey pokey” for Walker’s team and pancakes for Grace’s.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Fun activities

Kids have been having lots of fun with cooking classes, school/skiing and having grandma and grandpa box visiting and thinking about moving here for a while!

Sun Valley Ski Trip

We had such a great time having the Hinkle crew join us in Sun Valley.  We skied, saw the town, had great meals and even Ice skated.  There was so much snow!!  We just love it here!