Wednesday, November 26, 2008


In light of the holiday, and my previous cynicism, I wanted to make sure that I put in a post of all of the things that I am thankful for. These are in no particular order.

1-Art-I am so thankful for Art. He always scrapes my windows in the mornings so my hands don't have to get cold. He is always there whenever I need him, and he can always make me laugh. He is my best friend and I am so thankful that I found him.
2-Thankful for my family, my Dad who is my number one fan, my stepmom who came and supported my girls last night, my mom who will always be there whenever I need her even if it means trips across the airport or across country, my sisters, who are dorks but I love them anyway(really love them-don't know what I would do without them), my nieces and nephews who make me feel like I am the "coolest" person in the world(Tacey-your kids included). My step siblings-so lucky to have you. I know they say you can't pick your family, but if I could, I would probably keep it the same! The in-laws and Tori are great too, I got really lucky there! Not to forget the extended family, my favorite Aunt Trudy, and her whole clan, the grandparents-and all of the rest!
3-My Best friends, AJ and Pete, Tacey, Katie, Lindy, Dub, Jamie, Ash, Frank and Becky, Joe and Suzanne, Michele-Thanks for always being there-no matter what!
4-My house, even though it constantly needs work, it feels really nice to know it is ours.
5-My car-yes I love my car. I know how it sucks when you don't have one, it makes life really tough.
6-My job-that income is a nice thing, not to mention I really like what I do.
7-I am thankful for fires in the fireplace and little heaters that I can put just under the blanket by my feet while I watch TV, oh those blankets too-love them!
8-My doggies!
9-Mountain Dew-love that ingenious combination of flavors, fizz, and umph!
10-Volleyball and Basketball team and the girls-I love it-so much fun! And running too!
11-All those scientists who work long days in the lab looking for cures of these horrible diseases. Contribute a little extra to the arthritis foundation if you have some time and dollars.
12-I'm Thankful for my shows that I love: Greys, Biggest Loser (although not thankful for Vicky-that B&@$%), 90210, Bones, Private Practice, Desperate, Brothers and Sisters, and Lipstick Jungle.
13-Sour Patch Kids, Sweedish Fish, and Hot Tamales-no further comment!
14-My Bathtub with good books, currently enjoying those shared by friends-thanks Mari, and Frank and Becky.
15-Google-I am so much smarter now you don't even get it!
16-Beautiful views and my camera.
17-Camping with the family, skiing, and boating! Some of my best memories.
18-Thankful today, that I am finally able to wear both of my rings, no I can't get them off, but that is beside the point!
19-My park in my back yard-Thanks Art!
20-Bloody Marys, especially Arts, Margaritas with the girls, and all those other fun drinks-it is the memories with them that are the best!

There are so many more things to add-but this is a good start! Thanks to everyone who has added so much to my life! Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Things I hate!

So in light of the holiday season and knowing full well that probably tomorrow I am going to get all sobby and talk about all the things I am thankful for, I thought I would start the week with a little resentment and anger, just to even things out. You see I have recently run into a lot of things that I hate so I wanted to share things with you. Maybe you can join in the bitterness-what fun!

1-I hated the movie twilight. WTF.... They took out all of the romance, the beauty, the intrigue, and instead replaced it with a steaming pile of s#%$ only to add to the torment with crappy no name acting. Seriously!
2-I hate when Art is out of town. Sleeping with a gun beside my bed, paying very close attention to the dogs, just in case, they make a move (which would obviously mean that some crazy person was breaking into the house) locking all of the doors, and checking them twice, sleeping with the TV on (I guess if you call that sleeping) and so on-followed by trying to pretend that everything is great, and that I am not tired and grumpy. (it does get better each night, but seriously-paranoia)
3-I hate when friends "loose touch" does that really happen? I don't know-I hate it when I call someone and say hello, "hey call me back" and they never do, and then three or four years later they say, "I can't believe we lost touch, it sucks", so it sucks to loose touch-yes Tessa this is so for you. I have many people I would love to talk to more often, but you can only try so hard-and then you just have to come to the point and realize, that they obviously think you are lame-Whatever, they just don't get me. (on that note, I hate living so far away from my nieces and nephews)
4-I hate fat-all kinds of fat in fact. We had a fantastic steak last night for dinner with an amazing home made horseradish concoction grilled onto the top, only to take a big bite-and find that it is full of fat. Yes I know, that is "the flavor" of the meat, but I could leave it. I'll take the texture instead any day. Lets add to this, I hate poor textures-mushrooms, shrimp etc. etc.
5-I hate the big red machine-those of you who are close to me at this point, know exactly what I am talking about.
6-I hate broken bones, they get in the way of me being able to to do the things that I want, not to mention they make me sound like a total looser (I broke my wrist playing basketball-people hear that and assume "you must suck" I hate assuming. I broke my finger playing football, again with the sucking thing")
7-I hate seeing kids with crappy lives trying to make something of themselves only to be pushed down again by their family or friends. I hate that-I hope the best for them. Sometimes I just have to say, "no wonder they are the way they are."
8-I hate it when people back into my car in the parking lot and then "drive away" I hate it even more when I investigate, find the car, and then look at it realize that they probably don't have insurance anyway-but I file a report just in case. I hate that.

9-I hate the dentist-enough said.
10-I hate the fact that when creepy janitor guy comes around and starts making me nervous, the tutors sit back and laugh instead of saving me-a phone call will do-seriously a$%holes!

I am sure there are more-but lets start there. Tomorrow I will fill it with flowery thoughts etc. with all of the things I am thankful for-although probably not as much fun!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lunch with the Girls!

So I try to get together with my girls in Southern Utah a couple of times a year. We met in Richfield for Breakfast on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. I love catching up and just laughing. We had a terrible waitress, all had cold biscuits and gravy, the coffee came 45 minutes too late, but the company was great, and we will do it again soon! Love you ladies!

Also my dad has been working very hard on his deck off of the back of his house. It is really starting to come together. He even added a slide for the grandkids. I am very proud of his hard work and excited to sit out there in the summer and read my book! Josh stopped to pose for the picture with my Dad and Elessa (even though she is hiding in the shadows) He was just aching to go down that slide!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Miah's Midget Dance

So Miah has decided (I think from wating Little People Big World) That she wants to be a Midget when she gets older, and now has a dance, that she calls her Midget Dance. I just had to share it.

Elessa's Bridal Party!

Pete-I am so excited for you. We had her Bridal Party this weekend and it was a lot of fun. Thanks everyone who came.

Jacek Joshua Bernas

Congratulations Frank and Becky. Jacek Joshua Bernas was born at 1:27 AM on Friday, 11/14/2008. He was 6.5 lbs and 18.5 inches long. Both Mom and Baby are doing well. They are home now, and even though he was a little early, he is doing well. Congrats you guys and thanks for letting me a part of things!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Alayna and I!!

So I had a funfilled night with Alayna last Thursday. She has given me a new appreciation for Hannah Montana. We had such a great time, dancing, and playing. Here are the top five things that I learned from her that night:

1: When monsters dance, they do the hula, only they get really low.
2. I learned Karate, my favorite move being the one where I punch and kick at the same time with the same side-Totally awesome -(and very effective against the monsters)
3. She thinks my dancing is cool, and even copies me. When I see her do a totally sick dance move and ask her where she learned it, she says "you silly!" I love it, but really, good luck in life, those kinds of dance moves won't take you too far!!
4.Some blankets have a protective barrier that will keep you from harm, where others can't. I never saw the consistency in the pattern, so I guess I will just have to call her next time I need a protective blanket identified.

5.She loves her grandpa. She told me how sometimes when she missed him she has to take out pictures that she drew so she can just look at him, also she thought Stephens hot chocolate was the best ever because it has his name. She can't wait to move down there and be his little sidekick. I have to admit I am a little jealous, that was my role, and I miss it somtimes. I am glad he will have her to take over.
Here are a few pictures of our fun time. I am going to miss her when she moves!

See these forcefield blankets used in our fort!

Just and example, of those sick dance moves!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dinner Party with the Girls!

Over the weekend, I had a really great Girls night out with my Nieces. I picked up Melina and Alayna in the afternoon. We met Lonni and her girls to watch High School Musical 3, which they loved! It was a lot of Fun. We ent back to our house after, where Art had a restaurant Set up, called Arturo's restaurant. He acted as the hostess where we cheked in under our reservation and then were escorted by the good looking man in the coat and tie to the candle light table. We were given our menu's of Shirly temples, Homemade Macaroni and Cheese, Homemade Chicken Strips with our shoice of dipping sauce, and Chocolate sundaes for Dessert. Our Server Ramone, took great care of us, and kept our drinks full. The the chef of the resturant even came out covered in flour to check on our meals. Alayna was so confused, she kept telling me that "Art is acting really funny" and "how can he be three people at once?" They loved it. Then the nights entertainment came out where The nightly singer performed Miley Cyrus and danced with the girls. Alayna informed me that it was the "best night of her life" and Melina said, "We should do this every girls night out" Thanks Art for being so supportive-I love that you will do this stuff with me-it makes it more fun! Here is a picture of the night. (Sierra and Microphone Included) And the girls dancing!

Tacey, Taylor, Lonni, and Carly-You totally missed out-Sierra could have used some backup dancers!!

Also Amber and Kyle came up on Sunday-we had a lot of fun! Love you Guys!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election '08

Babies, Babies, Everywhere!

I just wanted to tell Frank, Becky, and Jacek (Duke) That I am so happy for them. We can't wait for our little man Bernas to come and join us next month! Although based on this, I am not sure who is due first!

Also look how cute my nephew Jackson is. This is Mike, Arts Brother, and his wife Marissa.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Miles Talking to Mommy!

Too Cute! You may want to pause my blog music at the bottom of the blog first!