Friday, September 6, 2019

Fun times

We have had a few fun things happening around here.  Walker lost a tooth, Grace got to go with her dad to The Dave Matthews concert, our house got painted (finally), Walker got another bug and ended up with bronchitis, and the kids got to go to the sheep dogs with their school.  Poor walker not feeling well was super sad and he needed his dog so he made beds on the floor.  Grace loved going to the concert and really loved her sushi dinner date!  I finally made it to a boot camp class.  I was hoping to meet new people and network while exercising but it turns out nobody talks to anyone there.  I was so stressed about going it took me two times to get there.  I finally picked a bag to take my stuff in, only to find my water spilled in the bag and I had to hang it out the window to dry on my way there...sometimes all I can do is laugh at myself. I stressed about it so much and it didn’t even matter at all..

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