Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Eve 2011!

We had such a wonderful new years eve this year. We tried to make it fun for the kids most of all. The Hinkle's came up so Miles and Grace could be together. They had a blast. We took them to build a bear in the morning. (Miles looks so much like Elessa right here!)
They put their hearts in after all of the fun stuff (nose, head, shake, wishes)
They cleaned them before we brought them home.
So cute! It was so much fun too.
Then we came home and did new year activities. We colored the planets so the kids knew what a year meant.
And they got watches so they could keep track of the time.
They colored calendars for their rooms.
And put stickers and colors on clocks.
Then we did snaps outside.
And Silly string.

We had a really fun dinner.
With home made pop its (that didn't really work, but the kids thought they were fun!
And full of fun things! We did pop it candy.
And lit a few fireworks on the road by our house.

The kiddos did a few sparklers too.

Then we did the big new years and nine countdown celebration where they jumped from 10 down.
And we did a balloon drop!
With lots of noise and fun! It was such a fun new years and the kids loved it! We will be doing this every year because it made it really enjoyable for them as well. We finished the night with hugs and kisses and welcomed the new year! Happy new year!

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