Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Smart as a Whip

Grace is so smart. She sucks everything in and learns so much from the world around her. I am amazed by her everyday. She makes me laugh how she imitates what the girls do at practice and is learning quite a bit about basketball. But she is far advanced for her age. Here are some examples:
  • She already fakes sick when she wants to stay home
  • Yesterday when she wasn't listening at the store, I told her she had to put her candy back on the shelf-she attempted to negotiate (I'll go to timeout when I get home for not listening, but I get to keep the candy)
  • She is amazing on electronics: (she can turn on my phone, unlock it, slide and find any of her games, above that, she can find the youtube, search, find caillou in the search list and choose one of his movies-pretty amazing. On dad's touchpad she knows where all her games are-above that she can open the internet, go to favorites and select her ABCmouse)
  • She remembers things, for example, she lost her pen to her disney books under our dresser, the next morning she went right there asking for it when she started to read. Or the fact that Grandpa Box puts some chocolates in a bowl, and everytime she gets one she says "I'm eating Papa's Chocolate)
  • She knows how to get out of/or stay in any situation. I won't deny her a hug or kiss so it is a great tactic for her when she doesn't want to go to bed.
  • She knows which is her right hand and which is her left.
  • She knows which markers can be used on which surface (dry erase v. paper)
  • She makes her own phone calls, she knows how to slide until she finds names on my phone and then picks people by their pictures.
  • Last night she decided she didn't want Daddy to work anymore, but just stay home with her. I explained to her that Daddy has to work so we can pay for our house that we love so much-that night when saying our prayers she said "Thanks for Daddy's Job, Mommy's Job, Pie's Job and for our house"-all without prompting. (We say it sometimes, but I usually tell her, this time she owned it and I was so proud.
  • She is excellent at matching games, knows all her shapes and colors, and most of her letters and animals (as well as their sounds).
  • She has a great imagination and is already a champ at pretend (dinosaurs, monsters, mommy is shrek pie is donkey etc.)
  • She loves to read and is already making up stories that go with the pictures so she can read to me. She also is a champ at her disney pen and understands how to turn it on and how it works.
  • She not only goes pee in the potty, she wipes and only gets as much paper as she needs, she blows her nose all by herself, and brushes-and spits!
  • She can "mostly" dress herself and can undress herself and put her clothes in the hamper (she always says "Pie Do It Myself")
  • She is simply amazing. She understands and thinks of things that kids her age just don't do (at least not that I have seen) She is by the far the smartest in our family-I think she got the best of the brains from both her mommy and her daddy.

I just love this little lady, She challenges me and teaches me new things each day. So lucky to have her!

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