Sunday, September 1, 2013

Big Oops

One day when Art says he feels a little better, he will let me hit submit and this will take it's proper place in our blog book, but until then it is sitting in edit.  Art had his first oops as an officer, when he accidentally backed into another car in a parking garage.  The couple was in a small vehicle that he couldn't see and even though they honked, it seemed more like a car alarm than an actual vehicle.  Fortunately they were very kind.  Art then proceeded to make jokes at work and make it okay because he is classy like that (such as hey Sgt.  It's been five hours and I still haven't hit another car).  This will go down as a memory, but for now, he is super embarrassed.  I am just thankful he is such a hard worker and does so much for our family!

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