Friday, May 15, 2009

A couple of days!

So I have been away from my computer for a couple of days. This week I spent time down at UVU during summer university. I got to spend my time, gardening, fly fishing, and dutch oven cookings. It was a great couple of days. I also got to see this little man for the first time (I know I am a bad cousin) This is Nancy's little boy Wilkes. Isn't he a cutie!
On Wednesday night Art played in a chipping competition at the club and won! I am so proud of him. He had to put the ball through the V of a tree for the final shot and put it within three feet of the pin. It was awesome! It was really cold that night, but still fun. We are going to be golfing tomorrow for our friends birthday and I am excited for the get together. Everyone have a great couple of days!

1 comment:

Phil and Tessa said...

That's Nancy's baby? What a cutie pie! Have fun golfing!