Monday, September 6, 2010

Downata Hot Springs

We went camping this weekend at Downata Hot Springs. Grace insisted upon eating Chicken Nuggets on the way there.
We went on a bike ride. Grace really liked it!
All ready to go!
There were some little horses there. Miles like feeding them. Grace wasn't so sure.
The Hot Springs had a really great swimming facility, which was a lot of fun. They had great slides and the water was really nice.
Grace fell asleep on Aunt Pete in the water.
Miles liked to swim "on his own" and Grace loved going down the slide. She is a little dare devil
Grace just loves being outside.
Elessa and I went on a little tour of Preston Idaho (See Napolean Dinomite-too funny) We actually really liked it. It was really pretty and looked like a great place to live. The guys were fishing and then they all ended up getting a little sick which wasn't fun for them for the rest of the weekend.
We did a little touristy sight seeing. The Bear River Massacre (it was a beautiful location right on the river) but a very sad tale on both sides. There were hundreds of dream catchers and feathers handing in the trees behind the sign. It was really sad.
This was a pretty cool sight too. We learned some cool names at a cemetary at the base of this little hill. Going to do a little more research but the main individual was a Capt. Jefferson Hunt and his family from the 1800's. These were the stairs up to the top so you could see a view of where Lake Bonneville created a shoreline. The kids sitting on the benches on the way up. They wouldn't cooperate for a picture. It got a little cold there and we decided by the last night that Grace must be allergic to something in the water, so we had to give her a little benadryl. She then was really tired I love her little face here.
But not too tired to smile and play games with Jack.
Checking out her paws.

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