Thursday, September 9, 2010

Walker Girl Making Friends

Grace loves walking. She makes me laugh because if you pick her up or make her crawl she crys. If you walk with her, sometimes she pulls your hands off because she thinks she can do it on her own (but no way can she). I also think it is neat how good the people that I work with are to her, and she enjoys being the star of the show. Lodule (here) will walk her up and down the hall when my back gets tired. He is such a great person (In fact I have taken him with me for two jobs now-he is a real gem) Grace thinks he is quite funny too. She even decided today that she wanted to hang out with Bob instead of me today. He let her talk on his walkie (really) people in the school were probably wondering who was messing with the mic (although she was holding it up like a phone). He is an older security guard here at the school that is very good to me and Grace. He has a grand-daughter Grace's age that we have introduced to each other. So fun!
She just has such a sweet spirit about her, people are just drawn to her. She is Stinkin' Cute!

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