Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Being at home and Traumatic Times

I have gotten to stay home with Grace this week. We have had so much fun being together. I think this picture is just so her. Her orange boots with Elmo outfit and her wagon. And more silly times.

Grace had to have a quick procedure done today. She had a and Ultrasound and a VCUG test because she had a urinary tract infection so they just wanted to make sure all is right. Everything turned out well, but it was very traumatic. This is her on sedation. She was very funny and would laugh at nothing, until people would try to touch her and then she would freak out and cry. Needless to say it was really good she was sedated, because I can't image the fits, if she wouldn't have been. She was still kicking her legs and screaming. It was very traumatic and hard. My aunt Trudy went with me (Thank you) because Art was in California for work. I can't blame Grace for hating all things doctors after all she has been through. It was a really tough day. The sedation ended up making her wired so instead of sleeping she just went crazy. I wish we wouldn't have had to do this, but I guess it is always best to make sure things are okay. I guess if they wouldn't have been and I would have decided not to, I would have been very angry at myself. I am just so happy that all is well. I love her too much.
This is her baby she got and decorated while she was there. She is an excellent colorer...

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