Thursday, May 13, 2010

8 months

This little Shining Beauty is 8 months old today! I can't believe it-she grows so fast!
She now sits, just fine, all by herself. She is trying to learn to wave-I haven't been able to catch it on camera yet, but she does it with her hand facing her, and then is totally mesmerized and proud of herself. She loves dancing, music and trying to sing, and her people more than anything. She just gets so happy when she sees them. She still loves bathtime and being tickled. She now has one tooth (and one still on the way). She hates shoes and socks, but loves baby dolls of any kind. She gives bick smacky kisses and loves to pull my face right next to hers. I just am so in love with her.
She also got a swing from Miles' Grammy and she really enjoys swinging in it. It is hung from our big tree in our backyard (I was hoping for a tire swing there, but Art wasn't so much for that, so this was a really good compromise). I am looking forward to a sunny day to see her in this!

1 comment:

Phil and Tessa said...

Happy 8th month! She is really starting to look like Art too, so cute!