Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We had some fun visitors last night. Miles came up because he has to get his tonsels out. These two just love each other. It is so fun to see!
We made homemade green beans last night. Not her favorite, but she thought they were okay. Waiting to head over to surgery, they played on the floor. Grace used Baloo as a foot rest, and Miles pulled funny faces.
Getting ready for surgery, they played with toys, and looked at the fish tanks.
Elessa was able to catch her double jointed thumbs (finally) on the fishtank, see how cute. We can't figure out where they come from, because the only one in my family who had them was Andrew. Miles ready to go. Uncle Art brought him an Oscar the Grouch. He grabbed right on after the surgery, and apparently never let go. He doesn't want anyone to hold Oscar (not even his mama). We read books yesterday and I was telling him that Oscar would say "Scram Miles, Scram" and he thought it was so funny so he would tell everyone Scram "Scram Gracie Scram" and then laugh-so we thought he would really like that. He is doing well though and just went back to our house today. I just love this little man.

1 comment:

Tacey said...

I hope all is well with him. I little kids bounce back quickly. Taylor had hers out very young too. She actually had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich the day she came home. Tell Elessa good luck ! :)