Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fantasy Football Draft

This year we did the fantasy football draft on the computer.  Everyone in the family loved it, but it stressed me out.  With my Placenta Head-I just couldn't think clearly, not to mention I had help from this little lady with a good dose of distraction.
 Art worked overnight and all day, so he was running on maybe 2 hours of sleep.  This is really how he felt-I don't blame him.
 This is how Grace felt, when I would run to try and make my pick. She would cry and was sad and just wanted more pictures and time.  I missed her too, so really that's what I wanted to do as well. 

 But then I would play and she would be happy and I just loved being with my girl, even though I messed up on a couple of pics and even ended with an auto draft once.  Oh well-at least it will be fun!
 This morning Grace got up early and fell asleep again on the way to day care.  She is just so precious.  I love watching her sweet little soul at rest.  Love my little gal!

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