Monday, August 20, 2012

Walker's Celebration Party

We had an "About to Pop, Potluck" party for Walker this weekend at Elessa's house.  It was a lot of fun and very cute.  Katie came who is about to pop herself.  We had to get a couple of pictures together as our babies will be so close in age.  She is having a girl.

 The whole family came and it was fun to get together and spend some time.

 Pie was in prime form. I just love her too much!

 We played a little badmitton and volleyball.
 Walker got spoiled by everyone there. 
 Lots of fun Boise State things-This blanket Grace helped me make and wanted to give to brother.  She also picked out an outfit for her brother that she was so excited to give to him. 

 Grandma Grape made Walker his special blanket.  These are my favorite!

 I shed a few tears on this one.  My mom always did the baby crib bedding for the kids.  We decided this time we wanted Boise State, so Elessa spent many hours, making the baby crib bedding. The card that she wrote said that it was from my mom and I cried like a baby.  I miss her, this is something that mom is supposed to be to, and, I know she would have been, and probably still was, it just isn't the same. 
 Elessa did an awesome job though and they turned out so cute!

 My great grandma's were there.  Grandma Ellett made me brownies for the party, because they are my favorite.  Pretty sure I could eat her icing with a spoon right out of the bowl (oh wait I did) and I may or may not have had brownies for dinner.
 Leah did a lot of loving on Finlee, until she got sick of it and had to tell her that was enough through crying. 
 We did a coed theme so everyone could celebrate and I am so glad we did. It made it much more fun.
 Grace always has to do the funny face. 
 My dad and I.

 Amber, being rediculous.  She makes me laugh!
 Me and my sisters.
 The families. It was a great day and celebration for Walker.  He is already so very loved.  I just can't wait for him to join our family. 

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