Thursday, July 2, 2009

4th of July and Neighbors I hate!

So I wanted to start by wishing everyone a happy fourth of July. I hope your day is filled with fun, family, and fireworks. I don't think I will be back on until Monday so I wanted to make sure to get that in. We do have a fun weekend planned so I will hopefully have some fun pictures to share. I wanted to also thank all of our military personnel for all that they have done for me, my family, and my country. Specifically I want to thank Frank and Nick who are my family members who have served to keep me safe and free. Love you both!
Also If any of you have heard about the Neighbor in my backyard that "ruins my life" (yes I know that is a bit dramatic) Well finally we put up some slats in the fencing to cover his horrible aweful yard of weeds. (he is supposed to be putting in a fence, so we decided not to put one in-yet) Now I can relax in my yard, and enjoy my beautiful park without feeling angry!

I am so excited for the Magna 4th of July. Unfortunately they aren't doing a 5k this year, but I can't wait for the breakfast, parade, and fireworks! Yeah go Magna!

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